An Almost Summer’s End

Pismo Beach Coast

Dear Reader, 

Summer is almost coming to an end. It is still July, but Michael’s and Costcos are screaming, “FALL” at us.

This summer was amazing.


Summer dinner

Slow mornings

Breezy movie nights

Icy drinks

Beach time

Long car rides

Romance reads

I’ve been dreaming of a Nancy Meyers summer. A hamptons-y one. I don’t live on the east coast, nor do I have a ton of money to live shore-side. But nevertheless, this summer at least felt like what I would imagine an NM summer would be. Slow, whimsical, classy, good food, great friends, all with good style.




I still don’t know what I’ll really do with this blog. All I know is that I want to take photos, write, portray my craft, etc. I don’t even have an official domain/website subscription yet.. So figuring that out will be interesting. I used to have a tumblr, but my ex boyfriend probably still visits it from time to time. I want to stay anonymous on this platform. Just so it’s still fun to say random things.


D’s Black Diamond Watermelon - First Garden Update
